Thursday 18 April 2013

Filing For Disability Claims? Things To Know.

If you are participating in a plan that gives out benefits for disability, you are going to need to know what it takes for you to file a claim whenever you need one. Here are a few steps that will help with the process of filing these disability claims.

First, before even filing the claim, keep in mind that there is a law that is designed to protect those with health problems and disabilities. The act has standards set that are for those that administer the plan that you are under. The government has set in motion rules, such as through the Department of Labor, that makes the companies that are giving the benefits have a timeline in which to give them out.

You need to look into the document of your plan that is called the summary plan description, or the SPD. It has an overview that is very detailed on how the claims work, and how to file. It will outline the rights that you have as a U.S. citizen.

Before you even apply for the benefits of a disability claim, make sure you look over the SPD. This way you will know if you meet the requirements that are set out in the plan. Claim procedures are often in a different part of the plan, but the company is required to provide these procedures in writing.

The plan administrator is required under law to give you a copy. Make sure that you check this plan, and carefully review it before filing. You can receive more benefits if you are knowledgeable on what the company has laid out in the plan.

If you look through the plan and the information you need isn't in the packet given to you, then you can contact the plan administrator, or even the office that is in charge of claims, and ask them questions. Keep all of your records and written documents that are sent to you.

Once the disability claims are filed, it is a good idea to keep every piece of paper given to you for your own records. There is always a specified time period in which the claims must be decided on, so it is good to find out how long that time period is.

So if you are looking into the disability claims that you deserve and decide to do this by yourself without hiring a personal injury attorney, then make sure you do your homework, get a copy of the SPD, and keep in contact with the administrator of claims.

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